The Connections Bus Project is a charity (No. 1168343) providing youth work services across Cambridgeshire:
- two bespoke double-decker youth buses
- building based youth clubs
- pop-up youth club (all equipment brought to your building in van)
- open-access, universal services
- training courses for young people: babysitting, youth leader and Generation Game
- support for smaller community youth projects
- youth consultations for Parish Councils, community groups and others
Our vision is to support young people to fulfil their potential through the provision of free recreational, educational and personal development opportunities.
Our buses and youth clubs have a wide selection of resources including internet linked PCs, games consoles, video/DVD, karaoke, sports equipment, craft activities, quizzes, discussion topics and a tuck shop. Young people can also take away leaflets on many issues that affect them such as bullying, drug and alcohol awareness, smoking, eating disorders, homelessness and health.
Some of the young people are invited to take on volunteer roles helping with tasks and where appropriate providing a link between the young people and the Parish Council.
Our services are staffed by appropriately trained youth workers who take time to get to know the young people and actively engage them in activities and discussions. We are keen to involve the local community and if volunteers are available, we will help to provide suitable training.
For many, our services are the only youth facility that they attend or is available to them in their village.
The Aims of the Project (taken from our Constitution)
- To advance the education and training of persons in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas who are in need and unlikely to gain employment, in particular through the supervised provision of services and facilities not otherwise provide by the employment services.
- To provide recreational facilities to persons in Cambridgeshire and surrounding areas who are in need of such facilities by reason of their youth in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving their quality of life.
For more about the history of the project please follow this link to our History Page.